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Los Teques

8.5 / 10

Los Teques is the capital city of the Venezuelan state of Miranda and the center of the Altos Mirandinos Metropolitan Area. Its population is 140,617 (2001).HistoryThe city was founded in 1777 and was named after the Aractoeques Carabs, an indigenous tribe that once inhabited the area. On February 13, 1927, the capital of the Miranda State was moved to this city from Petare (before being in Petare, the capital of Miranda was in Ocumare del Tuy). Leer más

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Los Teques Puntuación en las redes sociales:
8.5 / 10
  Este valor se basa en el número de visitas, en el número de "checkins", y en el número de "likes" en Facebook en los últimos meses.
Mayor actividad en enero:
Los Teques tiene un total de 494984 visitas ("checkins") y 55732 "likes".